Corn Starch- Excellent remedy for skin irritation

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    Corn starch, maize starch, maizena or cornflour (British English) is the starch derived from corn (maize) grain. It is ground from the endo sperm or white heart of the corn kernel. Cornstarch is made from corn and only contains carbohydrates (no protein). It is a protein-free product. It’s preferred over flour as a thickener because the resulting gel is transparent, rather than opaque. It is also relatively flavorless in comparison and provides roughly two times the thickening power.

    This white powdery substance is also used for many cooking, household, and industrial purposes. In the kitchen, it is often used as a thickening agent for sauces, gravies, glazes, soups, casseroles, pies, and other desserts.  Cornstarch is really close to corn flour but they are not exactly the same. 

    It is not a rich source of vitamins and minerals.  However, it may help to boost calories for those who need it, act as a source of energy and prevent low blood sugar in people with nocturnal hypoglycemia. 

    Cornstarch may be a convenient and cost-effective remedy for skin irritation. Many people use it to soothe sunburns and reduce skin itchiness. Cornstarch is also beneficial for oily skin, as it gets rid of the annoying excessive oil in your skin and it regulates the level of fats your skin produces every day.  Cornstarch helps to unclog your pores as well.

    Unique Uses of Corn Starch: 
    1. Using it as a facial cleanser to remove dead skin. This is because of the mild abrasive property of cornstarch.
    2. Soothes Sunburns: Corn starch can be quite beneficial for sun tanned skin. 
    3. Insect Bites treatment to get relief from itching. It is calming for the skin too..
    4. Treats Underarm Rashes: This is an inexpensive remedy to treat armpit rashes. Corn starch is found to soothe the underarm rashes and irritation. 
    5. Treat Heat Rashes under Breasts: Many women have found relief with itchy rashes under breasts by using corn starch. It helps keep the skin dry and discourages fungus growth.
    6. Natural Remedy for Diaper Rash: You can reduce baby’s discomfort caused due to diaper rash using corn starch. It is an effective and natural remedy.
    7. Facial Mask for refreshing, soothing and cleansing the skin
    8. Treat Your Oily Face As cornstarch absorbs excess oil from your face.
    9. Homemade Baby Powder: Corn starch is an excellent replacement for baby powder. Remedy for Burns: Corn starch can be used to soothe the burn on the skin.
    10. Solution for Athlete’s Foot: If you are suffering from athlete’s foot, corn starch can give you relief
    Skin benefits:
    • Cornstarch’s anti-inflammatory properties help to soothe skin rashes, burns and itching.
    • It soaks the excessive oil from your skin and keeps your makeup as is for long.
    • Its moisture absorption property helps to get rid of sweating of feet when you wear shoes. 
    • Cornstarch is a natural moisture-absorbing powder which is often used as an alternative to chemically formulated talcum powders. 
    • Cornstarch can be used as a setting powder for oily or shiny skin. 
    • Applying cornstarch mixed in lavender oil on your underarms works as a natural deodorant.

    At Go Eco Love, we sell Organic, Handmade Bath bombs containing corn starch. You will not be disappointed when trying them. These are also cruelty-free.  Just head over to where you can see all our products, and especially the Bath Bombs.

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