Eco Lifestyle

All about eco friendly lifestyle and sustainability

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    Areca plates are eco-friendly as well as disposable. These plates are the best alternative to plastic/polymer products and paper-based products. These are made from the naturally shredded leaves of the Areca palm trees.

    These leaves are simply collected, pressure washed, scrubbed, sun dried and then with heat and pressure they are formed into shaped plates. Palm leaf plates are sustainable and eco-friendly as no tree is harmed to produce them. Only naturally fallen leaves are a raw material in the production.

    As palm leaves are biodegradable, they won’t harm the environment or make you feel guilty for throwing them away.

    They are made from organic materials, so they will break down easily and can be composted or placed in the trash. These can be used as a perfect eco-friendly plate for parties, events and other special occasions.

    Most biodegradable plates are made from bagasse, bamboo, recycled paper, cornstarch, and fallen leaves.

    How are Areca plates prepared?
    1. Areca waste is broken into pieces of 10cm.
    2. The waste is heaped and sprinkled daily for two weeks.
    3. Then the material is laid in beds of 1m width.
    4. 10-15cm waste is alternated with a 2cm layer of cow dung.
    5. Within 60 days, fine granular, odourless compost will be produced.
    How can we use areca plates?
    • They are used as dinnerware in functions, restaurants, birthday parties, and kitchenware.
    • They can be used for packing purposes.
    • They are sturdy and light which makes it possible to use them at buffet parties.
    • They can be used in the microwave for warming food.
    Benefits of Areca leaf plates
    • Eco palm leaf cups, plates, and bowls are biodegradable.
    • Areca nut leaf products are easily disposable.
    • They are eco-friendly.
    • These plates are a better replacement for plastics.
    • They can also be used as dinnerware or in parties.
    • These are easily transportable and lightweight.
    • They are hygienic.
    Table of Contents

      Have you ever wondered what Permaculture is? It is another way of saying permanent agriculture.  In fact, permaculture’s original terminology was “permanent agriculture”.  It later evolved into “permanent culture” to encompass all social aspects.  Permaculture now includes multiple ecological designs: engineering, environmental,  and construction.

      It also includes integrated water resource management in order to develop sustainable architecture, and regenerative and self-maintained habitats and agricultural systems.  The interesting thing about permaculture is that these are modeled straight from nature and natural ecosystems and based upon community resilience.


      I come from an area rich in farming so permaculture and agricultural resource management are very important for me.  I knew a lot about agriculture just because it is part of my surroundings.  However, permaculture itself was new to me.  It was introduced at a sustainable lecture I had at university. 

      I understood it as a basic survival process using the powers of observation, ambient energy and water, combining as many resources as possible from local sources. I found the aspect of it being an efficient, collaborative and innovative method towards sustainability and nature, very practical.  By thinking carefully about the way you use resources – food, energy, shelter and other material and non-material needs, it highlights the fact “get more out of life by using less”.  

      Permaculture can be used by anyone, anywhere which is more practical than anyone can ask for!  It is a harmonized manner of cooperating with nature and caring for the earth and its people.  Rosemary Marrow, a permaculture pioneer says:  “Permaculture has, in many people’s minds, come to represent a sustainable, organic, home vegetable garden.” 

      The fundamentals of permaculture:

      • Earth care
      • People care
      • Fair share: Setting limits to its population.

      Permaculture is not exclusive – it can be used by anyone, anywhere:

      • City flats, yards and window boxes
      • Suburban and country houses/garden
      • Allotments and smallholdings
      • Community spaces
      • Farms and estates
      • Conservation areas
      • Commercial and industrial premises
      • Educational establishments
      • Waste ground
      Why Use Permaculture? 

      Permaculture gardens have a variety of uses. Permaculture gardens welcome wildlife and are often used as quiet sanctuaries for meditating and/or exercise.  These gardens provide colour, beauty, food and medicinal crops.   These can also be a private sanctuary for relaxation. 

      Permaculture types of gardens produce food by using a variety of vegetables, herbs, fruits, and flowers. 

      Flowers are not only grown for their edible or medicinal properties but also to be used as cut flowers for beautiful bouquets or dried out for longer-lasting displays, and for crafts. 

      Here are 6 Benefits

      6 advantages of permaculture for the home gardener

      • Protecting the planet’s resources. 
      • Less work and energy required.
      • Promoting biodiversity and preserving wildlife. 
      • Organic produce. 
      • Boosting health. 
      • Saving space.
      How to do it?

      Have a look at this article.  We found it very informative.

      In my garden we compost regularly and use the compost back onto our lawns.  I live in the UK and my family got a subsidized compost bin through our local council.   Why don’t you call your local council and make the move towards making little changes in your lifestyle.  

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        Natural loofah: Have you been searching for a way to improve your skin and restore a youthful glow? Natural loofahs are here to help! You’re probably aware of the average plastic loofahs, designed in a bunch of bright colours to entice you into buying them. However, have you ever seen or heard of natural loofahs? White in colour and made from gourd, which is a plant in the cucumber family, natural loofahs are more eco-friendly and can degrade at a faster pace than those made from plastic. 

        After years of being reliant on plastic loofahs I became tired of the continuous disappointment I was faced with when they would completely unravel and become an unusable pile of plastic after just a couple of uses. After hearing about natural loofahs and their many benefits, I knew I had to make the switch. Ever since then I haven’t had to dispose of any products as natural loofahs degrade on their own.

        Another plus is that my skin is not only glowing, but it feels so much softer. I also managed to get my family members to give them a try! It makes me happy knowing I can shower and little changes in my daily routine can help to protect my environment. 

        Brief History 

        For over 9000 years individuals have been using gourd loofahs. Gourd is known as one of the world’s first domesticated plants as it was being globally distributed even back in the pre-Columbian era. 

        One common misconception around this plant is that gourd loofahs come from the ocean, however, gourd belongs to the vegetable family and originates from Asia and Africa. India is known as the first country to truly cultivate gourds.

        How natural loofahs are created 

        After the harvesting of the gourds, they are left outside to dry out for up to a week. The next step in this process is to soak the dried gourds in water and then peel their skin. Seeds are removed from the plant and once completely dry they can be designed into any shaped sponge desired, before then being sold. 

        4 Core Benefits 

        Dead skin: Natural loofahs possess the ability to remove dead skin cells that gather together on the top layer of your skin, leaving you glowing and feeling extra soft and smooth! 

        Blood circulation: Using a loofah to scrub your body can help increase the rate of blood circulation. This can be beneficial to you as increased circulation of the blood can help to remove dangerous toxins from the skin. 

        All inclusive: There are different varieties of loofahs that come in multiple shapes and sizes to help cater to everyone’s skin types. Is your skin getting too dry or perhaps too oily? Don’t worry, natural loofahs can help.

        Eco-Friendly: If you are looking to play your part in helping the environment, natural loofahs are for you! Loofahs made from gourd will begin to decompose after so many uses, so unlike plastic loofahs, there will be no need to throw yours out in the rubbish after it has gained too many bacteria. 

        How to use a Loofah

        Step 1. Soak your loofah in warm water

        Step 2. Apply soap or shower gel, whichever you prefer 

        Step 3. Scrub your body in circular motions whilst remembering not to scrub hard to prevent damage to your skin

        Step 4. Rinse your loofah and allow it too properly dry 

        Step 5. Sterilise weekly to prevent bacteria building up 

        You can find natural loofahs in the product section of Go Eco Love’s shop. You can buy them individually or you can get them as part of the handmade soap gift.  Make someone feel special.  Make the change towards eco friendly living. 

        Table of Contents

          Life is the most beautiful gift that we could ever receive. It’s filled with love and compassion, and so many beautiful things that, sometimes, I feel that I haven’t got enough time to explore all of it. Do you sometimes feel a very small part of this world? Do you feel that your actions can’t possibly have any effect on protecting it?  Wouldn’t it be fantastic if we could focus on the things we can change instead of feeling anxious about things out of our control? There is so much we personally can do to promote positive change in this world, not least amongst them making a conscious decision to live an eco friendly lifestyle.

          Let’s think about what we, as citizens of the world, and as consumers, can do.

          Eco Friendly Living

          First amongst these actions is a desire to learn more about the products we use and the products we purchase in our daily lives. I like to find out about the products I buy and how they are made, what they are made from and last but not least, their impact on the environment. What makes them special? What makes them unique? What connects myself and the products to this beautiful world we live in? Nature is the answer. I want to know that my behaviours have a positive impact on our world. 

          In life you have to make careful choices.  Your choices can make or break the future.  Therefore, in adopting eco friendly choices, you are standing up to change your life.  You are making a move towards positive and impactful living.  You are being careful about how you lead your life.  Imagine if everyone starts living like this? This is where the most amount of change will be seen. It is both the individual and the collective that will achieve this change.  So change for the positive. Change because that is what is needed.  It is a beautiful world we live in and needs us to protect it and look after it. 


          These quotes demonstrate how I feel about our beautiful world:

          “Birds have always had the ability to bring me out of a dark space and provide relief in bad times.” –Jason Ward

          “Adopt the pace of nature. Her secret is patience.”-Ralph Waldo Emerson

          “I believe the best way to begin reconnecting humanity’s heart, mind, and soul to nature is for us to share our individual stories.”-J. Drew Lanham

          “The Earth is what we all have in common.”-Wendell Berry

          “Time spent among trees is never time wasted.”-Anonymous


          The reason I chose these particular quotes is because they all have a common message, the love for nature, and its impact on our mental health. I take it as a daily reminder. One of the quotes referred to trees. A study says that hugging a tree gives you lots of positive energy and takes away the negative ones. Another one about birds, basically, their sound is a therapy that relaxes your mind.

          Why I love Go Eco Love!

          Go Eco Love uses only natural materials in their products and, in keeping with my decision to make conscious purchases, I decided to find out a bit more about one of the frequently used materials on their online shop, and that is JUTE. 

          Go Eco Love also sells natural skin care products all made from the plants and flowers around you.  Imagine these type of skin care products caressing your skin.  It is like basic living.  It is harmless living as well.  All Go Eco Love’s cosmetics are toxic free, cruelty free and vegan.  This is exactly the lifestyle we ought to be leading or striving towards leading.

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